Trenchless Romania Club is dedicated to all those how want support to expansion of no-dig technologies in this part of Europe. Only together we can grow understanding for trenchless.

All Trenchless Romania Club benefit of: 



We provide networking events and meetings with potential contacts, clients and partners who can help your business move to the next level and become more prominent in your industry. The members of the club are able to build long-term relationships and partnerships that are mutually beneficial. Through our networking sessions we will provide forum for like-minded individuals to come together to share ideas, strengthen ties, find new jobs and make connections that would not be possible without the association.

Training and Education

Continued education and development is crucial in getting to the top of any industry. If your company is already a leader in the field, education is a key to remaining on top. Organising events such as seminars, workshops and classes that help you and your company to learn and grow in the industry. Even outside of these official events, members have constant opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and mentorship that allow members to share experience and knowledge.

Building regional legacy


Members will have immediate access to any news or developments that affect their bussiness and the industry such as: legal procedures, european regulations and standards compliances, national and international projects, events within the trenchless industry etc.

Updated informations will be posted on the website of the club and in addition members will also by informed via newsletters, email updates and informative resources that help to stay on top of recent developments in the field.

Trenchless awareness

Not only do members have access to information about updates to the industry, they can also play a large role in determining these changes. This allows for more experienced members to help newer ones grow, and provides the opportunity for all members to share innovative ideas that can help the club.

Who can be member?

International and national companies working directly in trenchless industry such us trenchless equipment producers, drilling companies, construction companies, contractors and network operators. Trenchless Romania Club is also opened to all professionals who want to work together and bring their input to the no-dig development in the region.

Become member

To become member of Trenchless Romania Club please send a request email to: